
Northern Ireland Fertility Information Day 2014

{jcomments off}You are invited to a Northern Ireland Fertility Information Day which will be held on Saturday 27th September 2014, from 9.30am - 4.30pm, in Riddel Hall, Stranmillis Road, Belfast.  Zita West (Midwife and fertility expert) will speak about ‘Body, Mind and Lifestyle Management’, while other themes to be explored on the day will include: NHS treatment and funding; clinical treatment options; fertility counselling; camera technology; male fertility; donor treatment options; and local adoption.  The cost is £10 for patients / individuals and £20 for professionals (includes tea / coffee and lunch).  To book a place visit   For further information, contact Sharon Davidson on Tel: 02890 825677 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Review of Ireland's National Men’s Health Policy

{jcomments off}An independent review of the impact of Ireland’s National Men’s Health Policy 2008-2013 has been commissioned by the Department of Health / Health Services Executive.  This review will also inform the future direction of men’s health policy in the context of the 'Healthy Ireland' policy.  An online survey forms an important part of the review, and anyone with knowledge of men’s health issues in Ireland is encouraged to complete it.  The survey can be accessed at:  To enable the greatest amount of participation, the deadline for submissions has been extended to Friday 17th October 2014.  Individual responses will not be published - only aggregated data will be made available.  The Men’s Health Policy Review is of huge importance to the men’s health sector in Ireland, and it is essential that it gets the support it needs.  Please help by responding to the survey.  More information about the review can be found at where there is also a facility for requesting more information and submitting additional views and comments.

September is Irish Heart Month

{jcomments off}This September, Ireland’s Heart Month will focus on alcohol and the link to heart disease and stroke.  The aim is to encourage people to ‘say when’ sooner.  There are many messages about whether alcohol is good or bad for the heart.  There are also many unanswered questions such as: ‘How much is too much?’  ‘What is the recommended maximum weekly level that should be consumed?’  ‘What is a standard drink?’ ...  Materials, including posters and a free colour magazine exploring issues related to alcohol and heart health, are available to order from the Irish Heart Foundation.  For more details, visit:

Danderball - Walking Football and Craic for Over-50s

{jcomments off}‘Danderball’ (walking football) is one of the new sporting crazes to hit Ireland.  It is a social / fitness / sporting initiative for men aged 50 years and over.  The programme is designed to complement other physical activities for people aged 50 years plus, and is particularly attractive to men who can no longer play regular football.  Danderball is a 5-a-side non-contact version of football.  Anyone who sprints, runs or jogs while the ball is in play will be penalised - with a free kick awarded to the other team.  To find out more about it and how it’s played, have a look at:

Online Counselling for Men - Turn2Me

{jcomments off}Turn2Me is an online mental health organisation providing a range of services to adults affected by mental health / well-being difficulties of various sorts.  These services include support forums, support groups, information, a mood-tracking tool called ‘Thought Catcher’, and counselling (provided by fully qualified staff).  Turn2Me delivers the free online counselling through an eight week ‘Engage Programme’.  This uses online chat software.  To participate, visit and apply.  Whilst ‘Engage’ is open to any adult in Ireland, there is a particular focus upon providing this service to men.  Some men may be less inclined to access emotional support.  Doing so online may feel more comfortable, and is also easier to access from home.  Turn2Me is supported by the National Office for Suicide Prevention.

Do you want to be able to run 5km?

{jcomments off}Jog Belfast is a free, fun, 10 week training programme for beginners.  The course is aimed at people who have not run before, and will help them to complete a 5km run in 10 weeks.  The next 10 week programme starts in September 2014, and training will be held at a range of locations across Belfast.  Each session lasts for an hour.  For more information, or to register, visit or phone Matt Shields on 07595 269308.  Jog Belfast is open to people of all ages and abilities.

Training for Trainers on Safer Sex

{jcomments off}‘Let's Talk About ... Safer Sex’ is a four day Training for Trainers Programme.  The primary aim is to train youth and community workers to deliver HIV, hepatitis, and sexual health education programmes to the groups in their care.  The next programme will take place on Thursday 25th September, Thursday 2nd October, Thursday 9th October and Thursday 16th October 2014.  Sessions will last from 10.00am to 4.30pm each day, and will take place in Dublin AIDS Alliance, 53 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1.  On completion of the training, each participant will receive a copy of the 'Let's Talk About ... Safer Sex' training resource.  Further information is available at: or by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Preparing for an Ageing Population

{jcomments off}Age NI and ARK invite you to a conference titled: ‘At the Crossroads: Preparing for an Ageing Population’.  This conference will bring together leading experts on ageing, and will explore how policy makers and service providers in Northern Ireland can best prepare for demographic change.  Academics and practitioners will present their analyses and recommendations on key issues including dementia, housing, employment, building an age-friendly Northern Ireland, effective consultation processes, and engaging with ‘hard to reach’ groups.  This conference will take place on Wednesday 27th August 2014, from 9.30am - 4.00pm, in Riddel Hall, Queen’s University Belfast.  Places are free of charge and lunch will be provided.  To register your interest, contact Michele by Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 02890 892606.