
Get Men Talking Campaign 2014

{jcomments off}You are invited to get active in managing your health by attending 'Get Men Talking' - a free health information and cancer awareness event to mark the Marie Keating Foundation's Men’s Health Month.  This launch will feature a panel discussion with Tony Ward (rugby legend and prostate cancer survivor), Prof John McCaffrey (Consultant Oncologist) and Prof Niall Moyna (School of Health and Human Performance, Dublin City University).  ‘Marathon Man’ Gerry Duffy will give a special presentation on motivation, and Chris Donoghue, from Newstalk Breakfast, will act as MC.  This event will take place on Tuesday 4th November 2014, at 6.30pm, in the Aviva Stadium, Dublin 4.  To register, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit for more information.  Please note that places are limited.

5 for Life!

{jcomments off}The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust invites you to a free men’s health and wellbeing seminar on Tuesday 11th November 2014, from 9.15am - 1.00pm, in the La Mon Hotel and Country Club, 41 Gransha Road, Castlereagh, Belfast BT23 5RF.  This event will focus upon the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’, and is open to men and anyone who works with men.  To book a place, contact Carol Brown at Tel: 02891 510275 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative

{jcomments off}In May 2013, the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly adopted the first-ever Mental Health Action Plan of the World Health Organization (WHO).  Suicide prevention is an integral part of the plan - with the goal of reducing the rate of suicide by 10% by 2020.  Despite the evidence that many deaths are preventable, suicide is often a low priority for governments and policy makers.  The objective of the WHO report - titled ‘Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative’ - is to prioritise suicide prevention on the global public health and public policy agendas, and to raise awareness of suicide as a public health issue.  The report was developed through an international consultative process, and is based on systematic reviews of data and evidence, together with inputs from partners and stakeholders.  To download this report as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, visit:

Review of Service Provision for Men Aged 50+ in Belfast

{jcomments off}Friday 26th September 2014 saw the launch of a report which examines service provision for men aged 50+ in the greater-Belfast area.  This research was undertaken by a team from Queen’s University Belfast on behalf of the Older Men’s Steering Group within Age Partnership Belfast.  The research sought to: (i) review the extent and impact of current community, voluntary, statutory or private sector services which are aimed at combating social isolation among men in the Belfast area, and (ii) identify how these services are meeting current need, and ways in which they may be developed to meet future requirements.  The report is now available online at:

MAN UP 2014

{jcomments off}Most men celebrate and respect women - they don’t control them.  Men and women need to stand together to declare zero tolerance on violence against women.  To end this violence, everyone needs to be part of the solution.  To achieve this, SAFE Ireland is launching their MAN UP 2014 campaign on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 in Dublin.  This event will communicate the positive role that men can play in ending domestic violence.  Lynn Rosenthal, the White House Advisor on violence against women, will get the 2014 initiative underway.  Broadcaster, Ryan Tubridy, will give a guest introduction and will chair a panel discussion with the MAN UP partners.  For more information, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Claire on Tel: 090 6479078.

Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership: Level 2 Funding

{jcomments off}The Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) has opened a new round of funding through their Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) programme.  They are seeking new community-pharmacy partnerships throughout Northern Ireland, and will continue to support partnerships that were previously involved.  The BCPP programme promotes and supports local communities to work in partnership with community pharmacists to address local health and social wellbeing needs using a community development approach.  Level 2 funding is for those who have a clear vision of what the project wants to achieve, and consists of a maximum of £10,000 for a project that can last up to two years.  Level 3 funding is also available to those who have completed several Level 2 projects.  The closing date for applications is Thursday 13th November 2014.  Application packs can be downloaded from   For further information, Tel: 02830 264606.

Open Access and the Delivery of Healthy Ireland

{jcomments off}Healthy Ireland is the new national framework for action to improve health and wellbeing in the Republic of Ireland over the coming generation.  It outlines a commitment to public health (with a considerable emphasis on prevention) while also advocating for stronger health and social systems.  Open Access (OA) is defined as the immediate, freely available, online access to research outputs.  These outputs include peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and datasets of various types.  The restrictions on use, commonly imposed by publisher copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control, do not apply.  The Institute of Public Health in Ireland and the HSE Regional Library and Information Service invite you to a seminar which aims to: raise awareness about Open Access; explore how Open Access can support the delivery of Healthy Ireland; showcase key Irish Open Access initiatives.  This event will take place on Monday 20th October 2014 in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 2.  Register your interest in attending by contacting Louise Bradley at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 01 478 6307.

Transforming Masculinities - Transforming Conflicts?

{jcomments off}The Latin American Studies Forum invites you to a seminar titled: 'Transforming Masculinities - Transforming Conflicts?'  This will take place on Wednesday 15th October 2014, from 12.30pm - 3.00pm, in Seminar Room 3, Postgraduate Centre, Queen’s University Belfast.  Globally, the vast majority of the perpetrators of violent conflict and, often, the majority of direct victims, are men.  Contrary to simplistic notions of men being innately violent, a closer look at masculinities in conflict situations reveals a more complex picture.  The majority of men tend not to be violent and, even those who are violent, do not exclusively exhibit this tendency.  Nevertheless, in many societies dominant notions of masculinity are linked to a readiness to use violent force.  These potentially violent forms of masculinity are created socially, by both men and women (by parents, peers, intimate partners or by social institutions such as schools, militaries or gangs), and are perpetuated by various communicative media (e.g. mass media, advertisements, commemorative statues, or stories told around village campfires).  Given the central roles played by men and masculinities in violent conflict, could a transformation of masculinities lead to the transformation of conflict?  To book a place, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.