Men and Mental Health

On this page, you can access a range of resources on the topic of Mental Health.  Please click on the (blue) links below to find out more ...

Absent Minded - 2024 report on the treatment of men in global mental health policy (PDF, 1.1MB).

Aware - supports those who are directly affected by depression and offers a helpline (Republic of Ireland).  For Aware in Northern Ireland, click here.

Bamford Review - independent review of the law, policy, and provisions which affect people with mental health needs or a learning disability in Northern Ireland.

‘Connecting with Young Men’: Engage Unit 6 - National Men’s Health Training Programme - an evaluation of the workshops for practitioners (focusing upon engaging young men in mental health issues) delivered across the Republic of Ireland in 2015 and 2016.

Diadhuit - voluntary initiative aimed at addressing the issue of suicide in North Cork.

Engaging Young Men Project: A Report on the Mapping Exercise Conducted in Ireland During 2014 - MHFI research which highlights that young men do care about their mental health and that - by changing even little things - service providers can make a huge difference to the quality of their engagement with young men (PDF, 6.41MB).

Grow - network of mental health support groups throughout Ireland.

Heads Up Guys - a Canadian website that supports men in their fight against depression by providing tips, tools and stories of success.

Helplink Mental Health - online and phone-based counselling services, as well as links to sources of help and support.

How're You Doing Man? - research into men's mental health in Inishowen, Co. Donegal, in 2023 (PDF, 6GB)

Irish Association of Suicidology - education and awareness-raising about suicide.

Male Mental Health in Ireland - report for the One Foundation in 2004 (PDF, 195KB).

Masculinity and Mental Health - paper outlining the key issues for promoting mental health with young men (PDF, 693KB).

Men Suicide and Society - report commissioned by the Samaritans which looks at why men in mid-life, from disadvantaged backgrounds, are more at risk of suicide (PDF, 2.58MB).

Mental Health Ireland - national voluntary organisation offering information, events, research, networks and projects.

Middle-Aged Men and Suicide in Ireland - MHFI research exploring the factors underpinning the high suicide rates among middle-aged men at risk of marginalisation in the Republic of Ireland, with a view to providing more effective and gender specific programmes, services, and resources to support their mental health and wellbeing (PDF, 4.5MB).

Minding Your Head - spot the symptoms of poor mental health and find simple ways to stay healthy.

National Office for Suicide Prevention - research, training and reports in this field.

National Suicide Research Foundation - research evidence which contributes to the prevention of suicidal behaviour in Ireland.

Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing with Men and Boys: What Works? - report on the core elements that enable successful work with men and boys on mental health promotion, early intervention and stigma reduction (PDF, 1.31MB).

Samaritans - confidential and non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day, for people who are experiencing distress or despair.

See Change - partnership to reduce stigma and challenge the discrimination associated with mental health problems.

Shine - support for people affected by mental ill-health.

Stamp Out Suicide - suicide awareness information for those feeling depressed and suicidal, and for those bereaved by suicide.

Suicide Literacy, Suicide Stigma, and Help-Seeking Attitudes among Men in a University Setting in Ireland - article in the 'Health Promotion International' Journal, February 2025.

Teen-Line Ireland - helpline for teenagers which provides a listening and support service.

The Male Journey - a group of men dedicated to the promotion of a strong and healthy male spirituality.

Turn2Me - an online mental health organisation offering a range of free services to any adult affected by mental health / well-being difficulties.

Young Men and Suicide Project - report on an all-island initiative by the Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) to identify a range of possible means to promote positive mental health among young men.

Your Mental Health - HSE website offering information on mental health issues, top tips for little things that can make a difference, real life stories, and a comprehensive database of mental health support services in Ireland.


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