Value Base of the Men's Health Forum in Ireland
The Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) works on an all-island basis to enhance the health of men and boys. The Forum recognises the right of everyone to good health regardless of age, sex, disability, race, sexual orientation, marital status, domestic circumstances, religious or political affiliations.
MHFI believes that all men and boys have the right to:
- the best possible health;
- gender-specific information and education on how to keep themselves healthy;
- equity of access to available, affordable and gender-sensitive services;
- have their issues recognised and properly addressed - in a way that is not at the expense of women's or children's health, but seen as beneficial to society as a whole;
- call for greater emphasis on a partnership approach in developing future strategies / initiatives on men's health.
This includes consultation between policy-makers, healthcare providers, statutory and voluntary groups working on behalf of men, employers, and men themselves.