
Research Assistant Needed for 'Men on the Move'

{jcomments off}The Health, Sport and Exercise Science Department within Waterford Institute of Technology is seeking to recruit a full-time Research Assistant (on a nine month contract) to help with an evaluation of the 'Men on the Move' (MoM) initiative.  MoM is a community-based physical activity programme for adult men.  This study will investigate the impact of the programme on the physical fitness, weight status and general health of the men who attend, and will explore how it could inform the development of a model of good practice that could be adopted elsewhere.  The closing date for applications is Thursday 11th June 2015.  Further details can be found at: 

What can I do to mark Men’s Health Week 2015?

{jcomments off}Absolutely everyone can do something to support and celebrate Men’s Health Week (MHW) 2015.  The focus for this year (i.e. ‘Creating Culture Change’) lends itself to a wide range of ways to mark this occasion.  However, you don’t have to stick rigidly to this particular topic.  Anything which encourages men and boys to lead healthier lifestyles, to be more aware of preventable health problems, and to seek early detection and treatment for health difficulties will be very welcome.  You might have time, energy and resources to plan something big.  However, even if you can’t, there are still simple and easy ways to get involved.  These could include, for example ...

  • Putting-up a poster and/or sending the postcards to people you know.
  • Advertising MHW on your own website.
  • Creating a link from your website to the MHW 2015 web page (
  • Sending an email to everyone in your contacts list about Men’s Health Week and asking them to forward the message.
  • Inserting the MHW logo ( into your outgoing emails.
  • Becoming a fan of the Men’s Health Week in Ireland’s Facebook page ( and sending the link to all your friends.
  • Including information about MHW in your mailouts / newsletters.
  • Telling others about what is happening in your area during MHW by posting details on the MHW website (
  • Reminding your colleagues to follow all the latest MHW news on Twitter (
  • Tweeting about MHW 2015, and including #CreatingCultureChange in your tweet.
  • Encouraging the men you know to get involved in some of the activities taking place around the country ...

Doing one or more of these simple (and cost-free) things would contribute hugely to MHW 2015!

For even more ideas, download a copy of our paper on what you can do to mark MHW 2015 at:

Men’s Health Week 2015 Posters and Postcards

{jcomments off}Even if you don’t do anything else to support Men’s Health Week (MHW) this year, you can at least put up a poster to let everyone know when it’s taking place!  Former international rugby player Tony Ward (Irish sporting legend, prostate cancer sufferer, and champion of men’s health) will be acting as the ‘face’ of Men’s Health Week 2015 in Ireland when he stars in a nationwide poster campaign.  The posters are free, and are available in A3 size hard copy as well as in a range of electronic formats (from the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland website).  You can find details of how to get copies of these posters at:  If you don’t have space to put up a poster in your workplace, college, community centre, church, shop, Men’s Shed ...  why not leave some of the new postcards lying around or, better still, send some of them to the men you know?  The front of the postcard is a smaller version of the poster image, and the back has a pre-written message and a space for an address.  These postcards are only available in hard copy, and details of how to order them can be found at:

Publicise your Men’s Health Week 2015 Event

{jcomments off}Every year there are hundreds (possibly even thousands) of events throughout Ireland to celebrate Men’s Health Week.  Some of these are well publicised, but most are only known about by a few people!  This year, the Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) will have a section on its website to promote the details of any activities or events that are being held throughout Ireland during Men’s Health Week 2015.  This will help everyone to find out what is happening during the week, where it will take place, and how to join in.  It will also give some recognition and publicity to all those groups across Ireland that are doing something for and with men.  Your activity might be health checks, or a conference, or a launch, or a game, or a seminar, or a competition, or a workshop, or a lunch, or a course, or a drama, or a display, or a health fair ...  Whatever it is, if you would like to have the details included on this website, please complete and submit a MHW Event Form at:  Other submission options are available at:

Follow Men’s Health Week 2015 on Facebook and Twitter

{jcomments off}To keep everyone up-to-date with the latest news on Men’s Health Week (MHW) 2015 - as well as more general developments in the field of men’s work - you can pretend that you’re young, hip and cool, and visit Facebook and Twitter.  To find out more, see:  and  However, as all social networkers know, pages such as these are no use unless they have a lot of Fans / Followers.  That’s where your help is needed! ...  Please visit the pages, click on the ‘LIKE’ button for Facebook and ‘FOLLOW’ button for Twitter, and send the link to all your friends.  If you’re really into it, please Tweet about MHW 2015, and include #CreatingCultureChange in your message.

‘Write a New Script’ Conference

{jcomments off}Cancer Focus Northern Ireland invites you to attend their 2015 Men’s Health Conference which will: examine health and wellbeing with a focus on empowering older men to improve their health and access support when needed; present interim findings from the Well Aware project; present NI Cancer Registry research; highlight awareness and screening campaigns; consider the personal experiences of men in relation to health and cancer.  This event will take place on Thursday 4th June 2015, in the Dunsilly Hotel, Antrim, from 9.00am to 1.00pm.  To register your attendance, or for further information, contact Denise Bownes at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.