
Understanding the Identity of Young Men in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland

{jcomments off}A post-graduate student from the United States is conducting research for a project that addresses issues regarding young men in Northern Ireland today.  The project focuses on understanding how young men’s social and political identities have been influenced by their experiences of living in Northern Ireland during the 1990s transitional period.  Furthermore, the project examines how these experiences have impacted not only young men’s mental health and behaviour, but also their perceptions of masculinity.  The researcher is looking to interview men who are between the ages of 27-38, and who were not only born in Northern Ireland, but also lived in Northern Ireland during the 1990s - particularly between 1994 to 1998.  Research will be conducted throughout March until 30th April 2015.  To participate, contact Jenna Lada at email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Anti-Cyberbullying eBook Launched by Dundalk Outcomers

{jcomments off}A new anti-cyberbullying support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB&T) young people has been launched through International Youth Exchange.  Dundalk Outcomers LGB&T support service and Accept LGB&T Cyprus have launched their new eBook 'Towards Anti-Cyberbullying: an eBook for LGBT young people'.  This unique support for young LGBT people was developed and created by collaboration between a group of LGB&T and non-LGB&T through an intensive two week Erasmus plus exchange programme.  The eBook features sections on 'Ways and types of cyberbullying', 'What to do if you are cyberbullied', and 'How to protect yourself online'.  It is available for free downloading at:

Health Inequalities in Northern Ireland

{jcomments off}A report by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety presents health inequalities at the new Local Government District level, as well as continuing to report on the five Health and Social Care Trusts.  It is titled 'Health Inequalities: NI Health & Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System - Sub-regional 2015', and is available for free downloading as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file at:

HIV and STIs Workshop in Dublin

{jcomments off}The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with basic up-to-date information on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).  It will be of benefit to people working in the voluntary, youth, and community sectors who may deal with these issues in the workplace.  The workshop will take place on Tuesday 14th April 2015, from 10.00am to 4.30pm, in the Dublin AIDS Alliance.  Further information on this training (and booking forms) is available at: or by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dementia Elevator

{jcomments off}Dementia Elevator is a programme based in Dublin City University.  Dementia Elevator is currently working in partnership with the HSE to up-skill individuals, communities and health care services in the area of dementia.  They are interested in highlighting the issue of dementia among men by approaching the topic positively - focusing on a person's abilities rather than their disabilities, and looking at ways we can all help people with dementia to stay involved in communities.  Throughout this work, they have met with men who have dementia, who are carers of a spouse with dementia, and some who are worried about memory loss or are fearful of going to the GP or even talking about it to family or friends.  They have also spoken to members of various clubs who worry when a member is diagnosed with dementia, and wonder if this member should keep attending and 'what is the right thing to do'.  A short awareness video has been developed to help to open up a conversation about dementia.  This is available online, and is accompanied by a resource pack for group delivery:

International Conference on Masculinities

{jcomments off}From Thursday 5th March - Sunday 8th March 2015 a large scale international conference on Masculinities will be held in New York titled: 'Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality'.  This gathering is being hosted by the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University, in partnership with the American Men’s Studies Association, MenEngage and Man Up.  Many of the leading men's health researchers and practitioners from the island of Ireland will be presenting at this gathering.  Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) member Maria Lohan has co-organised an Invited Panel to discuss 'Advancing Gender Equality in Reproduction: The Consideration of Men', while other Forum members and regular MHFI collaborators are making presentations on 'Suicide and Men's Health', 'Community Health Programmes' and 'Men's Initiation Training'.  See: for more details.

Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2015

{jcomments off}Did you know that Eating Disorders Awareness Week runs from Monday 23rd February to Sunday 1st March this year? ...  When we think of eating disorders, we often imagine a young girl who believes she is overweight while her weight continues to drop to unhealthy levels and she is visibly emaciated.  Or we may think of a young woman who runs to the toilet to force herself to be sick after every meal to keep her weight down while she indulges in her favourite foods.  However, eating disorders come in many forms and can affect anyone - male or female, young or old, big or small, rich or poor.  Eating disorders do not discriminate!  The Laurence Trust seeks to provide information and support to men living with eating disorders, and to help families to support their loved ones.  For more information, visit: or view their campaign poster for this year at: