
Community Health Champions Training

{jcomments off}The Community Development and Health Network is delivering Community Health Champions training in Belfast on the 9th and 10th of March 2015.  This two day programme is designed to equip community workers and volunteers with the knowledge, skills and support to increase their confidence, and help them to engage proactively with communities.  Community Health Champions training is based on an assets approach which builds on the skills, knowledge, experience, networks and resources that individuals and communities have access to.  It is underpinned by the belief that everyone has the potential to implement change and have a positive impact on individual and community health.  For more details, see:

COMET - A Show Aimed Specifically at Teenage Boys

{jcomments off}Replay Theatre Company has been making theatre adventures for younger audiences since 1988.  In autumn 2014, they created a brand new show called ‘COMET’.  Written by award-winning writer John McCann, COMET had the specific aim of engaging that notoriously difficult-to-engage demographic that is teenage boys.  Inspired by hours of interviews that John did with young men in a diverse range of settings, COMET was performed directly and unexpectedly in the classroom - with each performance being uniquely influenced by how the audience responded.  With 100% of teachers saying that they would book the show again, and responses from the audience including 'it makes you want to rip your heart out and throw it on the stage', Replay will be retouring COMET to schools and community centres in Autumn 2015.  To read the script and the evaluation report, go to:   For further information, or to enquire about booking COMET, contact Anna Newell, Artistic Director, Replay Theatre Company at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Community-Pharmacy Partnership Funding

{jcomments off}The Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) has opened up a new round of funding through their Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) programme.  They are seeking new community-pharmacy partnerships throughout Northern Ireland, and will continue to support partnerships previously involved in the programme.  The BCPP programme promotes and supports local communities to work in partnership with community pharmacists to address local health and social wellbeing needs using a community development approach.  For more details, visit:

'Safe Spaces and Places for Men' Seminar

{jcomments off}The Southern Area Men’s Health Steering Group invites you to their Annual Men's Health Seminar for 2015.  This will take place on Friday 27th March 2015, from 9.30am - 1.30pm, in Ranfurly Arts and Visitors Centre, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone.  The theme for this year's event is: 'Safe Spaces and Places for Men'.  There are a small number of free places still available.  Register your interest with Frances Haughey by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Tender: The Importance of Dads

{jcomments off}Dads Direct is inviting researchers to tender for the preparation a Briefing Paper on ‘The Importance of Dads’.  This piece of work is funded by Awards for All within the Big Lottery Fund.  This Briefing Paper will evidence available research on the important role of fathers in the lives of their children, and how the involvement of fathers in a child’s life can improve the outcomes for children.  Full details of the tender are available at:  The closing date for submissions is Noon on Wednesday 11th February 2015.


Information Events for Men Aged 50+

{jcomments off}Are you a man aged 50+ in the Belfast area, who is interested in hearing about the opportunities to set up a men’s group / Men's Shed or how to become more active in your community? ...  The benefits include making new friends, learning new skills, social opportunities, and better physical and mental health.  Hear how other men aged 50+ have already done this locally.  There will be information and advice on: the benefits of setting up a men’s group; who can help and advise you on setting up a group (including sources of funding); volunteering opportunities for men aged 50+; other ways to stay active.  There will be four events taking place throughout Belfast in February and March 2015.  See for more details of the dates, times and venues.  The first gathering will take place on Monday 2nd February 2015, at 10.30am, in Mountpottinger Presbyterian Church, Castlereagh Street, Belfast.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

PhD Scholarship to Study Teenage Men and Unintended Pregnancy

{jcomments off}A PhD scholarship is now available at Queen’s University Belfast's School of Nursing to study teenage men and unintended pregnancy.  Teenage pregnancy rates in the USA and the UK remain the highest in the developed world, and the reduction of unintended pregnancy is resolutely on the international policy agenda.  Within this policy drive to reduce unintended pregnancies, global organisations - such as the World Health Organisation - recognise that young men’s involvement in decisions in relation to preventing and dealing with unintended pregnancies has been neglected in the research literature and is rarely considered in clinical practice.  We know very little about how young men experience and participate in decision-making in relation to an unintended pregnancy from their own perspectives.  Full details of this PhD scholarship can be found at:   The closing date for applications is Monday 16th February 2015.Â