
Male Carers: Husband, Partner, Dad, Son, Carer?

{jcomments off}More than four in ten (42%) of the UK’s unpaid carers are male.  The report ‘Husband, Partner, Dad, Son, Carer?’ looks into the experiences and needs of male carers, in order to raise awareness of the fact that they may not be getting the support that they need.  The Carers Trust and the Men’s Health Forum in England and Wales carried out a survey of male carers at the start of 2014.  609 male carers from across the UK took part.  The report found that: more than one in four male carers in employment would not describe or acknowledge themselves as a carer to others - meaning they may not get the support they need at work; over half of the male carers surveyed felt that the needs of male carers were different to those of female carers - many citing that men find it harder to ask for help and support, and that balancing work and caring is challenging, particularly if they are the main earner; one quarter of men surveyed cared for more than 60 hours per week and worked; four in ten male carers said that they never had a break from their caring role; 56% of male carers aged 18-64 said being a carer had a negative impact on their mental health, and 55% said that their health was ‘fair or poor’.  For a copy of the report, visit:

Pathways to Health Training: 2014-2015

{jcomments off}The Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) is delivering Level 2 and Level 3 training in ‘Pathways to Health’.  Level 2 training is designed for people who are engaging with local communities to address a range of social and inequality issues.  Level 3 is delivered as a series of master classes (one per fortnight, for 14 weeks) and has been developed for individuals who have a strategic and policy development role within their organisation.   Booking and further information is available at:

Belfast’s First International Men’s Day Seminar

{jcomments off}Belfast City Council would like to invite you to Belfast’s first International Men’s Day seminar in Belfast Castle, on Wednesday 19th November 2014, from 9.30am - 3.30pm.  This event, which is being opened by the Lord Mayor of Belfast, will feature a number of speakers from men’s organisations including Men’s Advisory Project, Men’s Sheds, and Men’s Rights Northern Ireland.  The event will look at topics such as mental health and wellbeing and family courts, as well as celebrating men’s achievements in the City.  For more information, or to book a place, contact Lucy Magee at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 02890 320202 ext. 3776.

Ulster GAA Health and Wellbeing Conference

{jcomments off}Ulster GAA is running a Health and Wellbeing Conference (titled ‘Sláinte is Táinte - Health is Wealth’) which will take place in the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Belfast, on Saturday 8th November 2014, from 9.00am - 3.30pm.  The workshops will include: Addressing Addiction; Coping with Crises; From Playing Well to Staying Well; ‘Heads Up’ - Mental Health; Mol an Óige - Clubs enhancing Young People’s Health.  There will also be a number of keynote addresses by guest speakers.  To register, or for more information, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Fionntan O’Dowd on Tel: 02837 517180.

What Works?: Suicide Prevention Conference 2014

{jcomments off}Northern Ireland counselling organisation Contact, invites you to their fourth ‘Suicide Prevention - What Works?’ international conference.  This will take place on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th November 2014 in the Titanic Conference Centre, Belfast.  This two day conference will offer an opportunity to hear from, learn, and network with, some of the foremost suicide prevention activists, researchers and academics.  The first day will raise the voice of mental health recovery, while the second will explore suicide attempt survival, towards near perfect depression care, and driving suicide to zero in health care systems.  For more information, visit:

Active Ageing Programme - SEHSCT Area

{jcomments off}Being physically active on a regular basis is one of the healthiest things that you can do.  Studies have shown that exercise provides many health benefits, and that older adults can gain a lot by staying physically active.  The South Eastern Trust’s Health Development Department has teamed up with Ards Borough Council, Lisburn City Council and North Down Borough Council’s Leisure Services to design and develop an Active Ageing programme specifically for older adults.  The programme aims to give as many older people as possible the opportunity to experience enjoyable, appropriate, and sustainable physical activities (including walking football) in a safe, friendly, supportive and fun environment.  It is hoped that this will help to improve their health, wellbeing and independence.  The Active Ageing programme will run for a period of 12 months across the councils’ main leisure sites.  To find out more visit:

Theme for Men's Health Week 2015

{jcomments off}The all-island Men's Health Week (MHW) Planning Group for 2014 felt that two things would be useful when looking forward to MHW 2015: (1) agree the overall theme for the week before the start of the year - to give everyone plenty of time to prepare their activities / programme for it; (2) request as many suggestions as possible for potential themes, and give a diverse group of people the chance to debate these and decide which one would be most useful for the coming year.  In pursuit of these aims, you are invited to submit any suggestions that you might have before Tuesday 28th October 2014.  The only restriction upon what the theme might be is that it should be relevant to a broad range of men and boys, as well as to other interest groups.  You are also invited to contribute to a face-to-face all-island meeting which will decide the overall theme for MHW 2015 in Ireland.  This meeting will take place on Monday 3rd November 2015, at 11.00am, in Dundalk, Co. Louth.  Your help would be greatly appreciated with either / both of these tasks.  For more details, contact Colin Fowler from the Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

{jcomments off}Today (Monday 20th October 2014), Kathleen Lynch TD, Minister for Primary Care, Social Care and Mental Health, launched the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention's new mental health campaign titled: ‘The Little Things’ (#littlethings).  This initiative was created in partnership with over 25 organisations working in the area of mental health in Ireland.  The campaign highlights that we all experience difficult times in our lives and that, when we do, there are some simple, evidence-based, little things that can make a big difference to how we feel.  #littlethings answers two key questions: (1) What can I do?  (2) Where can I go?  A new website ( provides a wealth of online resources including information on mental health issues, top tips for little things that can make a difference, real life stories, and a comprehensive database of mental health support services in Ireland.  These services are searchable by both location and topic, and this new interactive online resource is mobile, tablet and desktop friendly.