Men’s Health Week 2015 Posters and Postcards

Even if you don’t do anything else to support Men’s Health Week (MHW) this year, you can at least put up a poster to let everyone know when it’s taking place!  Former international rugby player Tony Ward (Irish sporting legend, prostate cancer sufferer, and champion of men’s health) will be acting as the ‘face’ of Men’s Health Week 2015 in Ireland when he stars in a nationwide poster campaign.  The posters are free, and are available in A3 size hard copy as well as in a range of electronic formats (from the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland website).  You can find details of how to get copies of these posters at:  If you don’t have space to put up a poster in your workplace, college, community centre, church, shop, Men’s Shed ...  why not leave some of the new postcards lying around or, better still, send some of them to the men you know?  The front of the postcard is a smaller version of the poster image, and the back has a pre-written message and a space for an address.  These postcards are only available in hard copy, and details of how to order them can be found at: