
Five Ways to Wellbeing - SHSCT

{jcomments off}Would you like to learn more about promoting emotional health and wellbeing? ...  If so, join Nic Marks, Founder of the Centre for Wellbeing at the New Economics Foundation, to hear about the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ and how you can use this concept to effectively engage with others.  This event will take place in Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, on Thursday 6th November 2014, from 9.30am - 4.00pm.  For more information, contact: Deirdre McParland, Senior Health Improvement Officer for Mental Health, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Male Health and Wellbeing Programme

C{jcomments off}losing the Gap is launching a new and exciting eight week Male Health and Wellbeing Programme which will commence on Friday 24th October 2014, at 7.00pm, in Banbridge Leisure Centre, Banbridge, Co. Down.  This programme aims to: encourage physical activity amongst males currently not considered active; develop interaction between men; build new local networks; increase awareness and knowledge of health and wellbeing choices.  The programme will target men from across the most deprived areas within the Banbridge District Council area, and will offer weekly physical activity sessions and support.  Eligible participants will benefit from a health check at the beginning and end of the programme - to help to monitor any changes during the programme.  Participants will also receive time bounded gym membership to help to sustain these changes.  For more information, contact Emma McCabe at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

World Mental Health Day 2014

{jcomments off}Did you know that World Mental Health Day is observed on the 10th of October every year?  The overall objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilise efforts in support of mental health.  This day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.  The international theme for 2014 is: 'Living with Schizophrenia'. For further information, visit:

Resource Officers for Suicide Prevention Required

{jcomments off}The Health Service Executive (HSE) is seeking to recruit a number of Regional Resource Officers for Suicide Prevention.  These will be based in the HSE Dublin Mid-Leinster, HSE Dublin North East, HSE South, and HSE West areas.  Further information regarding the vacancies, including the relevant job description and location details, can be accessed online at:   The closing date for applications is Thursday 9th October 2014 at Noon, and it is anticipated that interviews will be held during the week commencing Monday 17th November 2014.

Governance Workshop for Men’s Groups

{jcomments off}There are many new men's projects and initiatives developing across Northern Ireland.  However, few of these receive any direct funding in their own right.  To apply for funding, all groups need to show that they have an appropriate constitution, have clear aims and objectives, and have adequate governance systems in place.  The Men’s Policy Forum in NICVA invites you to a free practical workshop which will help you to explore these issues, and to develop a structure that will suit your needs.  This workshop will take place on Thursday 16th October 2014, in NICVA's Training Room at 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast  BT15 2GB.  It will run from 9.30am - 12.30pm, and will be facilitated by Denise Copeland, NICVA’s Governance and Charity Advice Manager.  The purpose of this session is to help men's groups / projects / organisations / Sheds / networks to: explore the range of options available to them (e.g. incorporated or unincorporated) and to identify which would suit them best; access sample constitutions that they can adapt to their own needs; find out about the requirements of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland; learn where to find resources to support good practice and governance within their group.  There are only a small number of places available at this workshop.  Although more than one person from each organisation may apply, it is hoped to have as many diverse groups as possible present at the session.  To register, contact Cathy Breslin at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

Tender to Develop Men's Sheds in Northern Ireland

{jcomments off}The Public Health Agency has issued an Invitation to Tender for a three-year programme to develop and sustain a Men's Sheds network in Northern Ireland.  The successful service provider will be responsible for: supporting the growth of new Men's Sheds throughout Northern Ireland; providing effective services to Men's Sheds; raising awareness and understanding of the Men's Sheds model.  The closing date for applications is Friday 26th September 2014 at 4.00 pm.  For further details, see:

International Men’s Sheds Festival 2014

{jcomments off}This year, the International Men’s Sheds Festival will be hosted by the Irish Men’s Sheds Association.  It will take place in Dublin (in The Helix Conference Centre within Dublin City University and in the Crowne Plaza Hotel), and will run from Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th October 2014.  The focus will be upon 'Learning from Down Under', and the festival will include a conference, exhibitions, a 'Shed Crawl', and opportunities for networking.  This event is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted.  For more information, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 051 448725.

MPs and Peers back HPV Vaccination for Boys

{jcomments off}'The Times' newspaper, on Wednesday 10th September 2014, carried a letter from leading parliamentarians calling for the UK's HPV vaccination programme to be extended to boys. The letter was signed by John Baron MP (Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer), Sir Paul Beresford MP (Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Dentistry), Baroness Joyce Gould (Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health), Lord Kamlesh Patel of Bradford (Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Men’s Health), Pamela Nash MP (Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS) and Mike Freer MP. The full text of the published letter - and a background paper on HPV - can be viewed on the HPV Action website at: