Men’s Health Week 2015 Poster and Postcards Available Soon

Even if you don’t do anything else to support Men’s Health Week (MHW) this year, you can at least put up a poster to let everyone know when it’s taking place!  To highlight MHW 2015, Tony Ward - former Ireland international rugby player - is starring in an island-wide poster campaign to raise awareness of the week.  The message on this poster is very simple: ‘It’s time for a new script’.  The posters will be ready by early May, are free, and will be available in A3 size hard copy as well as in a range of electronic formats (from the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland website).  Following on from the success of last year, an A6 size ‘postcard’ version of the poster will also be available.  This can be sent to men you know or given out as a flyer.  To order copies of the poster and postcard, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Please give your name, organisation (if applicable), postal address, telephone number, and state how many of each publication you would like to have.