
World Suicide Prevention Day 2014

{jcomments off}Wednesday 10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day 2014.  This day brings together individuals and organisations with an interest in suicide prevention, and mobilises efforts to save lives.  It has been marked every year since 2003.  This year, the theme is 'Suicide Prevention: One World Connected'.  Feeling connected is crucial to individuals who may be vulnerable to suicide.  Studies have shown that social isolation can increase the risk of suicide and, conversely, that having strong human bonds can protect against it.  Reaching out to those who have become disconnected from others, and offering them support and friendship, may be a life-saving act.  However, connectedness can also be understood in terms of holistic medical care and coordinating the efforts of everyone who has contact with vulnerable people.  For more information, see:

Technology for Well-Being Conference 2014

{jcomments off}The second annual international Technology for Well-Being Conference will take place on Thursday 25th September 2014 in Croke Park, Dublin.  The theme for this year is ‘Bridging the Digital Disconnect’.  This event is open to service providers, policy makers, health managers, the technology sector, researchers, media, students and interested members of the public.  Presentations will explore: innovation in technology and mental health; social media and mental health; suicide prevention and the internet; mental health promotion / public messaging online; national policy in technology and mental health; good practice in the safe delivery of online mental health services; crisis response protocols; technology, cyber-safety and young people; youth participation and engagement with online interventions.  For more information, visit:

7 Key Questions for a Better Life

{jcomments off}Can you afford to miss the ‘7 Key Questions for a Better Life’ Men’s Health Training Day? ...  Throughout Autumn 2014, the Men's Development Network (MDN) will travel across Ireland delivering their highly successful training package to anyone interested in engaging with men.  This day is facilitated in an open, friendly and experiential way, and draws upon discussion, group work and presentations to explore relevant topics.  Issues are explored via the ‘7 Key Questions’ which have been developed by MDN.  These questions can be used in a number of settings to positively address issues which impact upon men's lives and to map next steps to a better life.  The training provides a valuable insight into why supporting men is crucial.  It also demonstrates successful ways to support men, and highlights best practice for engaging men with health and life issues in a developmental way.  For further information, contact Lorcan Brennan (Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  Mobile: 086 3619884) or Martin Doheny (Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  Mobile 087 318 0156).

Report on Service Provision for Men Aged 50+ in Belfast

{jcomments off}You are invited to the launch of a report which examines service provision for men aged 50+ in the greater-Belfast area.  This research was undertaken by a team from Queen’s University Belfast on behalf of the Older Men’s Steering Group within Age Partnership Belfast.  The Partnership will also be launched at this event, which will take place on Friday 26th September 2014, from 11.00am - 12.30pm, in the Banqueting Hall of Belfast City Hall.  If you would like more information or to attend, contact Pamela in Volunteer Now at Tel: 02890 232020 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Health Impact Assessment Training 2014

{jcomments off}The next Institute of Public Health in Ireland Health Impact Assessment (HIA) training course will take place from 3rd - 5th November 2014, in the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin.  Health is determined by a range of social, economic and environmental factors.  HIA is a practical, systematic approach which assesses the health impacts of policies, programmes and projects developed by a range of organisations.  It supports people in the health sector, as well as those who do not have health as their primary objective.  HIA ensures that impacts are identified, and allows decision-makers to make choices about alternatives and improvements that actively promote health and well-being.  This three day course gives participants the knowledge and skills to plan for and conduct a HIA across a range of settings.  It will be of use to those working in local government, healthcare, education, public health, health promotion, planning, socio-economic development, neighbourhood renewal, environmental health and the community and voluntary sectors.  An application form and further information is available at:   Applications will close on Friday 19th September 2014.

Research into the Sexual Exploitation of Boys

{jcomments off}A new report reveals that the number of boys and young men being sexually exploited is much higher than previously thought.  NatCen, working in partnership with Barnardos and University College London, published the findings from their research in August 2014.  These also reveal a lack of public and professional awareness about this type of abuse.  This research explored the ways in which boys and young men are being sexually exploited, whether boys’ experiences and support needs are different to girls’, and what services are currently available for boys and young men.  More information is available at:

Transitions and Youth Mental Health

{jcomments off}To coincide with World Mental Health Day (10th October 2014), the 4th National Research Conference on Youth Mental Health will take place in Cork.  This dynamic and multi-disciplinary one day event (co-hosted by the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Special Interest Group in Youth Mental Health, the Inspire Ireland Foundation, and the National Suicide Research Foundation) will: bring together researchers, clinicians, policy-makers and others who care for and work with adolescents and young adults; showcase the latest research and innovation in the area of youth mental health; address the multiple transitions (mental health, developmental, social, psychological and service transitions) faced by young people; draw together a multi-disciplinary audience across specialties and services; highlight the role young people can and do play in promoting good policy and practice in mental health.  Participation from students, clinicians, community organisations and researchers is greatly encouraged.  Further details are available from Fenella Murphy, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gaining Awareness of LGB & T Issues

{jcomments off}The Rainbow Project is Northern Ireland’s largest LGB and T sector organisation, and has been commissioned to deliver a number of training events funded through the Public Health Agency and Protect Life.  Places on these courses are free to participants.  There are two types of training on offer: (1) Sexual Orientation Awareness Raising [one day] and (2) Introduction to Gay Affirmative Therapy [two days].  The topics covered in the training will include: understanding same-sex attraction and use of appropriate terminology; understanding gender identity and expression and use of appropriate terminology; key health inequalities experienced by people who are same-sex attracted; forms of homophobia, heterosexism and internalised homophobia; barriers to accessing mainstream statutory service provision; legislative and social policy context; common issues when counselling LGB and T clients; tips for improvement of practice.  For more details, visit: