Men’s Health Programme in Banbridge, Co. Down

Closing the Gap is organising an eight week Men’s Health and Wellbeing Programme which will target men from across the most deprived areas within the Banbridge District Council area.  This will commence on Tuesday 13th January 2015, at 7.00pm, in Banbridge Leisure Centre, Banbridge, Co. Down.  This programme aims to: encourage physical activity amongst males currently not considered active; develop interaction between men; increase awareness and knowledge of health and wellbeing choices.  The programme will offer weekly physical activity sessions and support.  Eligible participants will benefit from a health check at the beginning and end of the programme, and will also receive a time-bounded gym membership to help to sustain these changes after the programme has ended.  Interested individuals must complete and return an expression of interest form, which can be obtained from Emma McCabe by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phoning: 028 4062 8800.  Completed forms must be returned before Noon on Friday 2nd January 2015.