
Reducing Alcohol Harm in NI: The Potential of Minimum Unit Pricing

On the 26th of September 2024, the Institute of Public Health hosted an event at Stormont in Belfast to explore the potential for Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) in Northern Ireland.  This event highlighted the levels of alcohol harm locally, and demonstrated how MUP could be a critical tool in saving lives and reducing harm.  The discussions offered valuable perspectives on the intersection of public health policy, research, and real-world application.  You can see a recording of proceedings at:

Student Mental Health Conference

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is hoping to convene a student mental health conference on the 12th of November 2024 in Dublin.  This one day event will provide an opportunity to learn from those who are working innovatively in the student mental health space and to network with one another, as well as to hear from those doing research in this area.  They are trying to ascertain the level of interest in such an event, in order to plan accordingly.  You can register your interest at:

The Real Face of Men's Health

In July 2024, Movember launched a report on men's health in the UK titled 'The Real Face of Men's Health'.  The aim of this report was to elevate the profile of men’s health with policymakers, so that it is considered proportionally to the burden of disease experienced by men, and to build political will for greater policy action and resourcing for men's health.  You can download the report at:

'Better Out Than In' 2024

Growing up can be tough, and being LGBTQ+ can bring even more challenges.  Taking the brave step of opening up to someone about your worries and fears, no matter how big or small, is worth it.  If you’re struggling, the most important thing that you can do is to reach out for help and support - feelings are always better out than in.  Start by visiting:

Help to Shape the Treoir Strategic Plan for Parent Support

Treoir provides a free, confidential, specialist information service for parents in the Republic of Ireland who are not married to each other (whether living together or apart), their extended families and those working with them.  Information is available on legal, social welfare and parenting issues.  They are seeking help to inform their new Strategic Plan, by participating in a short survey.  See more at:

29th Annual Regional Sexual Health Conference for Northern Ireland

The Sexual Health Training Team invites you to the 29th Annual Regional Sexual Health Conference for Northern Ireland.  This event offers the opportunity for everyone with an interest and/or role in the area of sexual health and wellbeing to network, share, and learn more about the current challenges, recent successes and future opportunities to improve the sexual health and wellbeing of the population.  This full day event will take place on Wednesday 20th November 2024, and will be held in Lisburn City.  For more information, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.