
Friendship, Masculinities and Men’s Recreational Use of Illicit Drugs

Based on empirical sociological research, this article explores how some Irish men’s recreational use of illicit drugs, masculinities and friendship interconnect.  Drawing on in-depth interviews with twenty Irish men who identified as recreational users of illicit drugs, the article examines men’s drug-taking within homosocial contexts as a friendship practice.  By conceptualising masculinities as relational, socially constructed and fluid, the article examines social aspects of men’s drug-taking as part of a pattern of gender practices used to establish, maintain and affirm men’s friendships.  The findings of the research demonstrate that men’s recreational use of illicit drugs forms part of the social practices of friendship among drug-taking men, and men’s understandings of masculinity in turn influence these social practices.  You can access this journal article at:

How do you feel about Childcare?

How do you feel about the provision of childcare in Northern Ireland? ...  Employers For Childcare has launched its 2019 Childcare Cost Survey for parents and childcare providers and they particularly want to hear the views of men.  This survey gives you the opportunity to have your voice heard by Government.  Last year’s results revealed that for two thirds of families here, the childcare bill is their largest or second largest monthly outgoing; whilst the average weekly cost of a full-time childcare place was £166.  To share your experience of using or providing childcare, click on the relevant link and complete a short online questionnaire:  [Parent Survey] or  [Childcare Provider Survey].

Jobs for the Boys

The Southern Childcare Partnership invites you to a men in childcare event titled: 'Jobs for the Boys: Why Male Practitioners are Important in Children’s Lives'.  This will take place on 31st January 2019, from 9.30am - 1.30pm, in the EPI Centre, Armagh BT61 7HF.  For more details and a booking form, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Workplace Mental Health Seminars

It is important for employers and employees to know about their legislative rights and responsibilities in relation to mental health at work. The EAP Institute is organising three seminars across Ireland to explore ‘Designing Employee Support Services for Workplace Mental Health’. These will take place on Thursday 31st January 2019 (Dublin), Thursday 28th February 2019 (Kilkenny) and Thursday 21st March 2019 (Galway). Full details can be found at:

Merry Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone in the Men's Health Forum in Ireland!

However, we know that the holidays can often be a stressful and worrying time for many people.  Therefore, please remember that if you need help and support over the Christmas period, you can always contact ...

  • The Samaritans (all Ireland) - Freephone 116 123
  • Pieta House (RoI) - Freephone 1800 247 247
  • Lifeline (NI) - Freephone 0808 808 8000

or visit:  |



Men’s Health Week 2019 - THE Date for your New Diary!

Believe it or not, it’s that time again.  Yes, it’s time to get the most important date of the year into your new 2019 diary …  International Men's Health Week (MHW) always begins on the Monday before Father's Day and ends on Father's Day itself.  This coming year, it will run from Monday 10th until Sunday 16th June 2019.

Every year the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) convenes an all-island Planning Group for MHW.  Would you be interested in joining with others from across the island of Ireland to help to shape MHW 2019? …  This can be done in many ways - from participating in meetings to electronic communication.  All input is very welcome, and helps to make the week stronger and more relevant.

The first meeting of the Planning Group took place on Friday 9th November 2018, and the second gathering will happen on Tuesday 22nd January 2019, from 10.45am - 1.45pm (including lunch), in Dundalk, Co. Louth.  However, even if you cannot make the meetings, your ongoing feedback on developments via email / phone would still be very helpful.  If you would be interested in being part of the planning process for 2019 (in any way), email Colin Fowler at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Even if this is not possible, why not put the dates of MHW 2019 into your new diary, and start thinking about how your group / workplace / church / community / sports club ...  could do something to mark this week?  It’s never too early to start planning!

Connecting with Young Men Workshop in Lisburn

You are invited to apply for a free place on a 'Connecting with Young Men' workshop which is being held on Tuesday 12th February 2019, from 9.30am - 4.00pm, in Lisburn Library, Lisburn, Co. Antrim.  The aim of this event is to assist a broad range of practitioners to effectively connect with young men - especially around mental health and wellbeing issues.  The workshop will focus on the engagement process (i.e. WHY and HOW to build relationships with young men), rather than offering a new mental health programme.  This is because workers who have had success in engaging young men say that if you can get the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ right, anything is possible.  To apply for a place or for further information, contact Claire Kennedy at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Mind Monster

In November 2018, the Health Service Executive launched a new mental health campaign specifically targeted at young people.  The ‘Mind Monster’ campaign was developed to raise awareness among adolescents and young adults of ways to look after their mental health.  Focussing on things that are known to cause stress and anxiety, the campaign highlights the benefits that getting enough sleep, taking regular study breaks, spending less time on devices, and sharing a problem with someone you trust can have on your mental health.  Find out more at: