Men's Experience of Adolescence while Growing-up in Ireland

Are you between 18 and 40 years of age; were you born and raised in Ireland; and have experienced suicide ideation, self-harm, or attempted suicide in your adolescence or adulthood?  If so, a PhD researcher at Dublin City University would like to invite you to take part in a study focusing upon your experience of growing-up in Ireland.  The purpose of this study is to explore the meanings and understandings that men give to their experience of adolescence while growing up in Ireland.  The study will require participants to take part in an hour long (approximately) audio-recorded interview at a suitable time and venue.  Alternatively, the interview can be conducted by video-link if preferred.  Participation will be confidential, and anonymity will be protected at all stages of the study.  For more information, contact Brian Holohan (the researcher) at: 087 1849418.