Imprisoned Fathers: Responding to a Growing Concern

There has been growth in prison populations globally in recent decades.  As a consequence, we now see an unprecedented rise in the number of children who experience parental imprisonment.  Although there is considerable focus on imprisoned mothers, there is limited knowledge or understanding of the needs, experiences or effective responses to fathers and their children - despite men making up the vast majority of the prison population.  'Child Care in Practice' intends to publish a special edition focused on responding to the needs of children whose fathers are imprisoned, and papers are welcomed from a range of disciplines.  Authors considering contributing a paper to this special edition should submit a 250 word abstract summarising the title, author(s), focus and main points of the article by Monday 6th February 2017 to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Guidelines for authors on the preparation of Abstracts are available at: