Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2015

Did you know that Eating Disorders Awareness Week runs from Monday 23rd February to Sunday 1st March this year? ...  When we think of eating disorders, we often imagine a young girl who believes she is overweight while her weight continues to drop to unhealthy levels and she is visibly emaciated.  Or we may think of a young woman who runs to the toilet to force herself to be sick after every meal to keep her weight down while she indulges in her favourite foods.  However, eating disorders come in many forms and can affect anyone - male or female, young or old, big or small, rich or poor.  Eating disorders do not discriminate!  The Laurence Trust seeks to provide information and support to men living with eating disorders, and to help families to support their loved ones.  For more information, visit: or view their campaign poster for this year at: