Information Events for Men Aged 50+

Are you a man aged 50+ in the Belfast area, who is interested in hearing about the opportunities to set up a men’s group / Men's Shed or how to become more active in your community? ...  The benefits include making new friends, learning new skills, social opportunities, and better physical and mental health.  Hear how other men aged 50+ have already done this locally.  There will be information and advice on: the benefits of setting up a men’s group; who can help and advise you on setting up a group (including sources of funding); volunteering opportunities for men aged 50+; other ways to stay active.  There will be four events taking place throughout Belfast in February and March 2015.  See for more details of the dates, times and venues.  The first gathering will take place on Monday 2nd February 2015, at 10.30am, in Mountpottinger Presbyterian Church, Castlereagh Street, Belfast.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided.