‘Mood Matters’ and ‘Living Life to the Full’

Aware NI is offering two of their workshops online in the New Year: (i) ‘Mood Matters’ is a light and interactive, two hour, mental health awareness training session which offers participants an opportunity to think about how to look after their own mental health.  It explores mental health stereotypes, and looks more closely at how to spot the early signs of mental health issues.  This session also teaches participants: coping skills for everyday life; how to avoid getting caught in a vicious circle; how to break unhelpful habits; and where to get further help and support.  For more information, see: https://aware-ni.org/mood-matters-for-adults   (ii) ‘Living Life to the Full’ (six weeks by two hours per week) looks more closely at the ways in which mental health can be impacted by life events and unhelpful thinking styles - which may then also affect our physical health and overall enjoyment of life.  This programme explores a different topic each week.  Find out more at: https://aware-ni.org/living-life-to-the-full