‘On Feirm Ground’ Programme Launched

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the Department of Health, the Health Service Executive, Teagasc and IT Carlow are working together to fund an action research programme that will develop a training programme to support agricultural advisors to engage with farmers around their health and wellbeing.  The ‘On Feirm Ground’ initiative is part of the Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme.  The research and resource development stage of ‘On Feirm Ground’ has been ongoing for the past twelve months.  On Monday 19th October 2020, a report was launched by Frank Feighan TD (Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health and Wellbeing) and Martin Heydon TD (Minister of State with responsibility for Farm Safety).  This outlined the key outcomes of the formative evaluation to inform the design of this bespoke farmers’ health training programme.  Copies of the Executive Summary report can be downloaded from: www.mhfi.org/OFGexecutive.pdf