Webinar - Men’s Health and COVID-19

As a follow-up to the ‘Men and COVID-19’ webinar with Prof Alan White - which was held on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - the Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme Partners would like to invite you to apply for a place on a follow-up event.  This will take place during Men’s Health Week (on Wednesday 17th June 2020 at 11.00am), and will: draw upon a men’s health policy framework to make the case for a more explicit focus on sex and gender differences to inform public health policy and practice responses to COVID-19; examine what population groups of men have been most affected by COVID-19, and what types of support are needed to enable these men to ‘restore the balance’ in their lives; explore how COVID-19 might, potentially, be a catalyst for positive change in men’s lives, and present opportunities for a reconfiguration of men’s roles.  Register for a place at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QSgpSlBuQtWqMe8opCdWKA