
Keep Up-To-Date with Men's Health Week 2020

To keep everyone up-to-date with the latest news on Men’s Health Week (MHW) 2020 - as well as more general developments in the field of men’s work - check out Facebook ( and Twitter (  However, as all social networkers know, pages such as these are no use unless they have a lot of Fans / Followers.  That’s where your help is needed! ...  Please visit the pages, click on the ‘LIKE’ button for Facebook and ‘FOLLOW’ button for Twitter, and send the link to all your friends.  If you’re really into it, please Tweet about MHW 2020 yourself, and include the hashtags #MensHealthWeek and #RestoringTheBalance in your messages.

Webinar - Men’s Health and COVID-19

As a follow-up to the ‘Men and COVID-19’ webinar with Prof Alan White - which was held on Wednesday 13th May 2020 - the Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme Partners would like to invite you to apply for a place on a follow-up event.  This will take place during Men’s Health Week (on Wednesday 17th June 2020 at 11.00am), and will: draw upon a men’s health policy framework to make the case for a more explicit focus on sex and gender differences to inform public health policy and practice responses to COVID-19; examine what population groups of men have been most affected by COVID-19, and what types of support are needed to enable these men to ‘restore the balance’ in their lives; explore how COVID-19 might, potentially, be a catalyst for positive change in men’s lives, and present opportunities for a reconfiguration of men’s roles.  Register for a place at:

The Impact of COVID-19 upon Men

The Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic is having a major impact upon men.  While there is a broadly similar incidence and prevalence rate to women, men: are faster at developing serious illness; recover slower from the virus; have a higher death rate.  There is also a broad range of mental health and social impacts upon men and the wider community which are a cause for concern.  To shine some light on this situation, the Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme invited Alan White, Emeritus Professor of Men’s Health, to present his insights into why this might be so via a one hour online webinar.  This took place on Wednesday 13th May 2020.  Alan gave a presentation on the current evidence, and there was an opportunity for the audience to ask questions afterwards.  You can access a video recording of the webinar and a copy of Alan's slides at: - the New GP Service for Men is a new online GP service just for men.  It is the first of its kind in Ireland focusing solely on men’s health matters.  The aim of the service is to eliminate that first and highest hurdle of getting men to the doctor, by bringing the doctor to them.  Founder, Dr Gavin Keane, came up with the idea after the COVID-19 pandemic completely changed how GPs were working: ‘No one was coming in.  The vast majority of our work was suddenly being done on the phone and then on video.  It struck me just how much of our routine work can be done safely and done well online.  That realisation, combined with my experience of men being reluctant to come into the clinic in person, led to the idea to start an online GP service for men.  The COVID pandemic has presented the opportunity to create this service and, hopefully, reach a lot more men that don’t, won’t, or can’t attend a GP’.  Visit to find out more.

Male Carers Events in South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust

During Men’s Health Week 2020, the Carer Support Team in the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust area will be offering two online events (via Zoom) to male carers in their catchment area: (i) a Cookery Session for male carers - titled ‘Man Made Meals' - on Tuesday 16th June, from 11.30am - 1.00pm (all ingredients will be delivered to participants before the session); and (ii) a male carer’s Pamper Session on Thursday 18th June from 6.00pm - 7.00pm (a Man’s Calm Pamper Goodie Bag will be delivered to each participant before this session).  Booking for both events is through Carer Support by Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 02843 721807.

YOGUYS - Yoga for Guys

To mark Men’s Health Week 2020, you are invited to join the online (via Zoom) ‘YOGUYS’ sessions from Monday 15th - Friday 19th June 2020, at 7.00am - 8.00am each day.  The sessions are being run by ‘CYP - Conscious Yoga and Psychotherapy’ and will focus upon ‘Restoring the Balance’ via a Vinyasa Yoga course for men who are feeling stiff, inflexible, and perhaps a bit stressed - hence restoring a balance in mind and body.  The cost is £20 for the five classes.  To find out more contact Annalisa at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Tel: +44 796 4296007.

Connecting with Young Men: The Impact of Training in Ireland

The most recent edition of the ‘The International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health’, contains an article on ‘Connecting with Young Men: The Impact of Training in Ireland’.  ‘Connecting with Young Men’ is Unit 6 within ENGAGE - Ireland’s National Men’s Health Training programme.  This was developed to support service providers to engage young in mental health and related services.  This study evaluated the impact of Unit 6 on front line service providers’ knowledge, skills, capacity, and practice.  You can view the article at: