Study of Men's Compulsive use of Internet Pornography

Psychology researchers from Trinity College Dublin are seeking to interview men who engage in compulsive use of internet pornography about the personal meaning they attach to such use.  This study will involve one-to-one interviews with individuals, and will look at how the phenomenon of compulsive pornography use has impacted the lives of those that take part.  They are looking for men over the age of 18 who experience psychological distress, a negative impact on their relationships, or interference in the ability to live life in the manner they wish as a result of their compulsive use of internet pornography.  Anyone interested in taking part can find out more details about the study and how to participate by emailing Michael McDonald (Psychologist in Clinical Training) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or call 089 4852578.