Men in the Middle: Training for Trainers

In March 2018, a landmark report titled ‘Middle-Aged Men and Suicide in Ireland’ ( was launched.  This was commissioned / coordinated by the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, funded by the National Office for Suicide Prevention, and researched by the National Centre for Men’s Health in the Institute of Technology in Carlow.  The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the factors underpinning the high suicide rate among middle-aged men (40-59 years old) in the Republic of Ireland, with a view to providing more effective and gender specific programmes, services, and resources that can support their mental health and wellbeing.

The report highlighted that: over the past ten years, the suicide rate among middle-aged men in the Republic of Ireland has been the highest of all age cohorts; suicide and suicidal behaviour is more prevalent among certain ‘at risk’ groups’; a range of mid-life transitions are associated with challenges for these men; reaching a crisis point is the most common trigger to seeking help for many men; there is a diverse range of barriers and enablers which influence the dynamics of engaging with middle-aged men in relation to their mental health.

To meet the need from practitioners to develop meaningful relationships with this target group, the Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme has now developed a new workshop called ‘Men in the Middle’.  Applications are being sought from experienced facilitators to participate in a Training for Trainers programme to upskill them to deliver this workshop across the Republic of Ireland.  More details can be found at: