Better Health Through a Gender Approach

Men in the WHO European Region are living healthier and longer lives than before.  The Region is setting an example through an impressive reduction of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and is likely to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals target on reducing premature mortality from NCDs by one third earlier than 2030.  Despite this, too many men die young in the Region.  Although life expectancy of men has steadily increased in all countries in recent decades, there is still up to 17 years difference between the lowest and highest-ranking countries, and within-country differences remain large.  The higher risk for premature mortality for men compared to women, and the large differences among men, is not news.  In fact, it has been observed in many countries for so long now that it is almost considered a natural phenomenon.  However, it is not, and should not be regarded as such. This report goes behind the data to investigate the causes of the differences in more detail.  Download a copy at: