The Views and Experiences of Fathers on Healthy Infant Growth

Researchers at NUI Galway are recruiting parents of children in Ireland under two years of age to seek their views and experiences on healthy growth and how this could best be supported.  The team is particularly keen to hear from fathers, as their views on these issues have not been captured to any great extent to date.  The study will involve one interview with a member of the research team which will last about an hour.  Interviews will be held at a time and a place that suits the participant.  Fathers will be asked about their experiences and opinions on healthy growth in young children.  All information will be kept confidential.  This study is being undertaken by Marita Hennessy, a SPHeRE PhD scholar within the Health Behaviour Change Research Group at NUI Galway, funded by the Health Research Board.  If you would like to participate, or would like more information, contact Marita at Tel: 089 2459405  |  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Organisations can also get in touch with Marita if they are able to facilitate the recruitment of fathers, and posters and flyers are available for this purpose.