Launch of ‘Healthy Ireland - Men’

You are invited to apply for a free place at a Men’s Health Symposium which will be held in Dr Steeven’s Hospital, Dublin, on Wednesday 30th November 2016.  The title of this event is ‘A New Chapter: Healthy Ireland - Men’.

This event will be used to launch the Action Plan which will succeed Ireland’s National Men’s Health Policy.  It will also offer delegates an opportunity to: hear about the background to and content of the Plan; participate in short workshops which highlight examples of effective practice throughout Ireland; discover local research into men’s health and wellbeing which is currently taking place; listen to a prominent speaker on men’s health issues.

For more details, visit:   To book a place, complete and return the application form at:   Please note that places are limited and there are only a few left.  When these are allocated, a waiting list will be established.