MA in Advanced Facilitation Skills for Promoting Health and Wellbeing

Do you want to become a highly skilled facilitator and advance within your chosen profession or seek new employment opportunities? ...  The Master of Arts in Advanced Facilitation Skills for Promoting Health and Wellbeing is an innovative practice orientated programme - the only one of its kind in the Republic of Ireland.  It is designed to: enhance personal growth and development; increase knowledge and skills; help participants reflect upon attitudes; improve the competencies required for effective facilitation of health and wellbeing programmes.  The skills acquired on this programme are essential when engaging with men.  This is a full-time course, and its delivery reflects the flexibility required for adult learners.  The programme is delivered one evening per week, and over three Saturdays and three residential weekends throughout the year.  For further information, contact the Course Leaders by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.