Northern Ireland’s First Mental Health Summit

On Wednesday 24th February 2016, Action Mental Health (AMH) will be hosting Northern Ireland’s first Mental Health Summit.  This event will focus on the future of mental health services, and will provide delegates with the opportunity to influence the Mental Health Strategy in Northern Ireland.  The DHSSPS has committed to considering the implementation of proposals developed at the Summit in advance of the forthcoming Programme for Government.  Attendees will be participants in workshop-style interactive group discussion.  AMH is looking for participants who will voice opinions, raise hard questions, and contribute to a working document which will be submitted to both the Minister for Health and his Department.  This Summit will take place in the Stormont Hotel, Belfast, and will run from 10.00am - 3.30pm.  To book a place, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.