Dementia Elevator

Dementia Elevator is a programme based in Dublin City University.  Dementia Elevator is currently working in partnership with the HSE to up-skill individuals, communities and health care services in the area of dementia.  They are interested in highlighting the issue of dementia among men by approaching the topic positively - focusing on a person's abilities rather than their disabilities, and looking at ways we can all help people with dementia to stay involved in communities.  Throughout this work, they have met with men who have dementia, who are carers of a spouse with dementia, and some who are worried about memory loss or are fearful of going to the GP or even talking about it to family or friends.  They have also spoken to members of various clubs who worry when a member is diagnosed with dementia, and wonder if this member should keep attending and 'what is the right thing to do'.  A short awareness video has been developed to help to open up a conversation about dementia.  This is available online, and is accompanied by a resource pack for group delivery: