International Conference on Masculinities

From Thursday 5th March - Sunday 8th March 2015 a large scale international conference on Masculinities will be held in New York titled: 'Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality'.  This gathering is being hosted by the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University, in partnership with the American Men’s Studies Association, MenEngage and Man Up.  Many of the leading men's health researchers and practitioners from the island of Ireland will be presenting at this gathering.  Men's Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) member Maria Lohan has co-organised an Invited Panel to discuss 'Advancing Gender Equality in Reproduction: The Consideration of Men', while other Forum members and regular MHFI collaborators are making presentations on 'Suicide and Men's Health', 'Community Health Programmes' and 'Men's Initiation Training'.  See: for more details.