Transforming Masculinities - Transforming Conflicts?

The Latin American Studies Forum invites you to a seminar titled: 'Transforming Masculinities - Transforming Conflicts?'  This will take place on Wednesday 15th October 2014, from 12.30pm - 3.00pm, in Seminar Room 3, Postgraduate Centre, Queen’s University Belfast.  Globally, the vast majority of the perpetrators of violent conflict and, often, the majority of direct victims, are men.  Contrary to simplistic notions of men being innately violent, a closer look at masculinities in conflict situations reveals a more complex picture.  The majority of men tend not to be violent and, even those who are violent, do not exclusively exhibit this tendency.  Nevertheless, in many societies dominant notions of masculinity are linked to a readiness to use violent force.  These potentially violent forms of masculinity are created socially, by both men and women (by parents, peers, intimate partners or by social institutions such as schools, militaries or gangs), and are perpetuated by various communicative media (e.g. mass media, advertisements, commemorative statues, or stories told around village campfires).  Given the central roles played by men and masculinities in violent conflict, could a transformation of masculinities lead to the transformation of conflict?  To book a place, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.