Governance Workshop for Men’s Groups

There are many new men's projects and initiatives developing across Northern Ireland.  However, few of these receive any direct funding in their own right.  To apply for funding, all groups need to show that they have an appropriate constitution, have clear aims and objectives, and have adequate governance systems in place.  The Men’s Policy Forum in NICVA invites you to a free practical workshop which will help you to explore these issues, and to develop a structure that will suit your needs.  This workshop will take place on Thursday 16th October 2014, in NICVA's Training Room at 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast  BT15 2GB.  It will run from 9.30am - 12.30pm, and will be facilitated by Denise Copeland, NICVA’s Governance and Charity Advice Manager.  The purpose of this session is to help men's groups / projects / organisations / Sheds / networks to: explore the range of options available to them (e.g. incorporated or unincorporated) and to identify which would suit them best; access sample constitutions that they can adapt to their own needs; find out about the requirements of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland; learn where to find resources to support good practice and governance within their group.  There are only a small number of places available at this workshop.  Although more than one person from each organisation may apply, it is hoped to have as many diverse groups as possible present at the session.  To register, contact Cathy Breslin at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.