Transitions and Youth Mental Health

To coincide with World Mental Health Day (10th October 2014), the 4th National Research Conference on Youth Mental Health will take place in Cork.  This dynamic and multi-disciplinary one day event (co-hosted by the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Special Interest Group in Youth Mental Health, the Inspire Ireland Foundation, and the National Suicide Research Foundation) will: bring together researchers, clinicians, policy-makers and others who care for and work with adolescents and young adults; showcase the latest research and innovation in the area of youth mental health; address the multiple transitions (mental health, developmental, social, psychological and service transitions) faced by young people; draw together a multi-disciplinary audience across specialties and services; highlight the role young people can and do play in promoting good policy and practice in mental health.  Participation from students, clinicians, community organisations and researchers is greatly encouraged.  Further details are available from Fenella Murphy, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.