Gaining Awareness of LGB & T Issues

The Rainbow Project is Northern Ireland’s largest LGB and T sector organisation, and has been commissioned to deliver a number of training events funded through the Public Health Agency and Protect Life.  Places on these courses are free to participants.  There are two types of training on offer: (1) Sexual Orientation Awareness Raising [one day] and (2) Introduction to Gay Affirmative Therapy [two days].  The topics covered in the training will include: understanding same-sex attraction and use of appropriate terminology; understanding gender identity and expression and use of appropriate terminology; key health inequalities experienced by people who are same-sex attracted; forms of homophobia, heterosexism and internalised homophobia; barriers to accessing mainstream statutory service provision; legislative and social policy context; common issues when counselling LGB and T clients; tips for improvement of practice.  For more details, visit: