Review of Ireland's National Men’s Health Policy

An independent review of the impact of Ireland’s National Men’s Health Policy 2008-2013 has been commissioned by the Department of Health / Health Services Executive.  This review will also inform the future direction of men’s health policy in the context of the 'Healthy Ireland' policy.  An online survey forms an important part of the review, and anyone with knowledge of men’s health issues in Ireland is encouraged to complete it.  The survey can be accessed at:  To enable the greatest amount of participation, the deadline for submissions has been extended to Friday 17th October 2014.  Individual responses will not be published - only aggregated data will be made available.  The Men’s Health Policy Review is of huge importance to the men’s health sector in Ireland, and it is essential that it gets the support it needs.  Please help by responding to the survey.  More information about the review can be found at where there is also a facility for requesting more information and submitting additional views and comments.