Preparing for an Ageing Population

Age NI and ARK invite you to a conference titled: ‘At the Crossroads: Preparing for an Ageing Population’.  This conference will bring together leading experts on ageing, and will explore how policy makers and service providers in Northern Ireland can best prepare for demographic change.  Academics and practitioners will present their analyses and recommendations on key issues including dementia, housing, employment, building an age-friendly Northern Ireland, effective consultation processes, and engaging with ‘hard to reach’ groups.  This conference will take place on Wednesday 27th August 2014, from 9.30am - 4.00pm, in Riddel Hall, Queen’s University Belfast.  Places are free of charge and lunch will be provided.  To register your interest, contact Michele by Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 02890 892606.