Petition calling for the Introduction of HPV Vaccination for Boys

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is very common, and most men and women get HPV at some time in their lives.  HPV usually never causes any health problems but, for some people, infection with HPV can lead to the development of certain cancers (cervical, vulval, vaginal, penile, anal, head and neck) as well as genital warts.  About 5% of all cancers are caused by HPV infection.  HPV vaccination at the age of 12/13 can significantly reduce the risk of developing disease, and vaccinating both sexes provides the highest level of protection.  Currently, in the UK, only girls are vaccinated through a national programme, which is generally delivered in schools.  This online petition calls upon the UK government to consider including boys in the vaccination programme.  The petition has been organised by HPV Action - a partnership of 25 patient and professional organisations who all believe that both boys and girls should be vaccinated.  Find out more at