Launch of Briefing Paper on Fathers, Separation and Co-Parenting

You are invited to the launch of a Briefing Paper on ‘Fathers, Separation and Co-Parenting’.  This will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2014, from 8.30am - 10.30am, in the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Belfast.  This paper has been prepared for the Man Matters partnership (WEA NI, Parenting NI, Home-Start NI and the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland) working in collaboration with Family Mediation NI.  All of these organisations have become increasingly aware of the difficulties fathers face when trying to maintain contact with their children after relationships with their partner breakdown.  Therefore, they decided to undertake three pieces of work: research a briefing paper which would outline some of the issues relating to father-child relationships following separation and make recommendations for future action; produce ‘A Father’s Guide’ to parental separation; capture the experience of a range of separated fathers who are seeking to maintain a relationship with their children.  This event will present information from all these areas, and a light breakfast will be provided.  To book a place visit:   To see a copy of the draft programme visit: