‘Engage’ Men’s Health Training for Trainers in Northern Ireland

Last year, a National Men’s Health Training programme (called ‘Engage’) was rolled-out in the Republic of Ireland.  Engage was developed in response to the growing demand from service providers for support to improve their engagement and work with men.  The content is based upon evidence from academic and evaluation literature, the authors’ practice experience, and an extensive 24 month pilot phase.  During Spring 2014, a Training for Trainers programme will be delivered for the first time in Northern Ireland.  Eighteen individuals will be selected to be part of the Engage Trainers’ Team in Northern Ireland.  They will be selected on the basis that they represent the broadest possible range of men’s work experience, geographic locations, workplace settings and interest groups.  On completion of the course, they will each be required to deliver sessions to front line practitioners.  Applications are now being accepted for this programme, which is supported by Man Matters and underwritten by the Big Lottery Fund.  A full overview of the programme is available at: www.mhfi.org/engagetraining2014.pdf while application forms can be accessed at: www.mhfi.org/engageapplication2014.doc   Please note that the deadline for submission of applications is 5.00pm on Monday 6th January 2014.