Run in the Dark for the Mark Pollock Trust

In July 2010, blind adventure athlete Mark Pollock fell from a second story window.  He cracked his skull, his chest and torso filled with blood, and his back was broken in three places.  He had no feeling from the waist down.  For six months after the accident, Mark lay in hospital.  As his mind battled to accept reality and find positivity, his body was further hit with recurring infections.  Mark lost three stone and, with it, he almost lost the will to go on.  But he was not beaten.  Mark’s supporters created the Mark Pollock Trust and Run in the Dark to fund his ambition to walk again.  Now Mark is using his body for research - as he walks in Ekso robotic legs and follows an aggressive physical therapy programme.  You are invited to help raise money for the Mark Pollock Trust and Wings for Life - the global spinal injury research charity - by entering this year’s ‘Run in the Dark’.  This will take place on Wednesday 13th November 2013, at 7.30pm, in Dublin, Cork and Belfast.  There are both 5K and 10K runs on offer.  For more information, visit: