Your Say, Your Day, Your Cancer Research UK

Have you been affected by cancer? ...  If so, you are invited to an event in the Belfast Cancer Research UK Centre (Queen’s University Belfast) and have your say.  You’ll get to have your voice heard, meet others affected by cancer, hear about Cancer Research UK's work, and help them to beat cancer sooner.  They'll also give you lunch and pay for your travel.  Events are being held throughout the UK to let everyone know about the latest research, information and campaigns.  You’ll get the chance to meet new people, and talk to researchers and nurses over an informal lunch.  There'll also be connections with other Cancer Research UK Centres and sharing ideas through live links.  This free event will take place on Friday 6th September 2013, from 10.00am - 3.30pm, in Queen’s University Belfast.  Book your free place at:  For more information, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 0300 1231022 (standard call charges apply).