Men and Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders (EDs) and body image issues are, traditionally, thought of as something only women suffer from.  However, research shows that the number of men with disorders such as Anorexia or Bulimia is growing rapidly in the UK and Ireland.  EDs are no longer just for girls.  Treatment and support is available across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.  However, the stigma facing males suffering from these disorders creates massive barriers to men getting help.  A study is being carried out in the University of Ulster to look at the barriers facing men of all ages regarding disordered eating, over-exercising and body image issues.  This research aims to give a voice to men on these issues.  We want to talk to anyone working with men or with experience of these issues.  For more information, contact Una Foye at Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or Tel: 02890 366291.  For information on male EDs, visit  or contact EDANI on Tel: 02890 235959.