Try To See It My Way

A new report from the Men’s Health Forum in England and Wales has revealed the lack of emotional support for men in relationship difficulties.  ‘Try to see it my way: Improving relationship support for men’, published with Relate, explores men’s attitudes to seeking relationship support.  It is part of a national awareness campaign by Relate to encourage men to think about their relationships, and increase their participation in support programmes such as psychological therapies and relationship coaching. 

According to the report, men have less access to emotional support from relatives and friends than women, are less likely to seek professional help for personal problems, and are less likely to consult relationship counselling services.  They are also more prone to ‘avoidance strategies’ such as the increased consumption of alcohol.  The report suggests work is a key factor.  Men’s tendency to work longer working hours can cause conflicts with their life-work balance, while financial difficulties can increase pressure on males - who are often still the primary breadwinners in families. 

A Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the report is available online at: