Men’s Sheds Meetings in Belfast

The ‘Rejuvenate Project’ is holding two meetings to explore the possibilities for starting-up Men’s Sheds for men aged 55+ in Ligoniel/Ballysillan and Upper Ardoyne areas of North Belfast.  These events will take place on: Thursday 15th November 2012, 12.00pm - 2.00pm, in Eglinton Presbyterian Church Hall, Carr’s Glen, Ballysillan Road, Belfast, BT14 6RB; and on Friday 16th November 2012, 12.00pm - 2.00pm, in The Wolfhill Centre, 148 Ligoniel Road, Belfast, BT14 8DT.  Everyone is welcome to attend, and lunch will be provided.  For further information, contact Geraldine at Tel: 02890 752990 / Mobile: 07850 651263 / Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.