Men's Mental Health Workshop

Mental Health Ireland would like to draw your attention to their new Training and Education Prospectus for 2012.  This publication is now available online at:   The booklet outlines learning opportunities in areas such as managing stress, building resilience, caring for carers, mental health and young people/older people, coping with unemployment, understanding mood disorders, substance misuse ...  However, this year Mental Health Ireland is also facilitating a one day interactive workshop on Men’s Mental Health.  This will be held on Tuesday 4th September 2012, from 10.00am - 4.00pm, in The Clarion Hotel Dublin Liffey Valley, Dublin 22.  This event will explore: men’s mental health awareness; attitudes to mental health; the interaction between mental and physical health; setting a personal development programme; how men manage stress.  The cost is €25 per person / €10 for the unwaged.  For more information, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 01 2841166.