Autism Factsheet for Fathers

Autism Spectrum Disorders are a range of very complex, unique, and hidden disabilities that impact on both the individual with a diagnosis and the whole family.  In particular, fathers often struggle to come to terms with their child’s diagnosis and try to be strong for their family - ignoring their own need for information and support.  Autism NI has produced a new factsheet for fathers, written by parents for parents.  It explores the impact of diagnosis and the range of typical feelings fathers may have.  It deals with how to feel involved in your child’s life and identifies what fathers can do to help.  It also looks at the stress of living with ASD on relationships and highlights concerns fathers may have about having ASD themselves.  It includes tips and hints, and signposts readers to further resources specifically for fathers.  This factsheet is downloadable from the Autism NI website for free.  Hard copies can be accessed by contacting the Autism NI Central Office at Tel: 02890 401729.  Further resources and information are also available from Autism NI.