HUGG for Men

Significantly fewer men than women access suicide bereavement support services.  However, it is vital that men know that accessing support can be lifesaving, that their grief is valid, and that they deserve help.  To meet this need, HUGG is launching its first dedicated male-only suicide bereavement support group - led by men for men.  The impact of a suicide ripples outwards, often negatively affecting the mental health and quality of life of the suicide bereaved.  'AfterWords',  the national survey of people bereaved by suicide in Ireland, found unhealthy coping habits such as the use of alcohol, drugs and gambling more prevalent among suicide bereaved men than women.  Following a death by suicide: 65% of men experienced mental health problems; 40% used alcohol to cope with their grief; 33% reported problems with family relationships; and 28% said their physical health deteriorated.  For more details about joining the HUGG Men support group, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01 5134048.