Do You Know Your Numbers?

Men's Health Week (MHW) 2024 is focusing upon three different types of numbers ...

1.  Statistics on the state of men's health that policy makers and service providers need to know if they are to pursue evidence-informed practice.
2.  Key numbers that men need to know, to take control over some elements of their own health.
3.  Critical contact numbers for help and support services that everyone needs to know at times of difficulty or crisis.

To get you started thinking about these important numbers, have a look at:

However, a new 'Men's Health in Numbers' resource has also been created for MHW 2024.  This 'z-card' is available in both electronic and hard copy.  See what it looks like by visiting:

Free hard copies of the z-card can be ordered by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and stating ...

-  The number of copies required
-  The name of the person requesting them
-  The full postal address to send them to (including the Eircode or postcode)
-  A contact phone number - in case there is a delivery problem